Why Now?
My father, who'll G-d willing be 85 this summer, keeps telling
me that he thinks that I write well, but he wishes that I wouldn't write such
depressing things. I m sorry, but even when I plan something "light" it evolves
into thoughts I'd rather not have.
I have no real control over my "musings." No matter how much planning I put into
them, something takes over. Even if I know exactly what I am going to write,
there's no guarantee that the final product will resemble the essay that I
This time I certainly can't promise something cheerful. My father, the C.P.A.,
always warned me to be suspicious, and I learned the lesson well, maybe even too
well. My problem is that I see dangers where others don't, and I have
difficulties trusting politicians. You know what the say about paranoids having
enemies? Unfortunately sometimes I'm right.
Close to thirty years ago demonstrating for the release of Natan (Anatoly)
Sharansky from Soviet prison, I never would have guessed that I'd be writing
an article like this. Then, it was known that he was brilliant and charismatic,
but who would have guessed that he would become an Israeli politician and
government minister? Who would have predicted that he would become so
internationally respected? And who would have thought that I'd be so suspicious
of him?
Today's headlines proclaim:
Sharansky: Would Be Immoral to Remain in Gov't
20:06 May 02, '05 / 23 Nisan 5765
May. 1, 2005 22:46 | Updated May. 2, 2005 20:53
Sharansky resigns over disengagement
I have a problem with his timing; why now? Disengagement was proclaimed months
ago. Other ministers who disagreed with it were fired. Why Davka now has Natan
Sharansky decided to resign? Also, when you read the "fine print" his reasons,
rationale, further down in the articles, things look different and less noble.
Listen carefully to him, and learn that: "Although he has in the past supported
withdrawal from parts of the Land of Israel, Sharansky says the current plan
goes too far." (Arutz 7) And The Jerusalem Post writes: "In a long letter of
resignation, Sharansky cited the need for democratization of Palestinian
government in Gaza as a pre-requisite for an Israeli pullout."
This is very different from the anti-disengagement lobby. I don't see him as
opposing disengagement in principle. He is in favor of withdrawal but just wants
to change the details of the agreement. Or he just wants to wait until the Arabs
act more like "westerners."
There are two simple possibilities for his resignation at this time. One is that
he wants to improve his standing as a national leader, figuring that he has more
charisma, international standing and better "name recognition" than the three
most prominent leaders; Dr. Arye Eldad, Ruby Rivlin and Uzi
Landau. He figures that there s a vacuum in Israeli society, and he wants to
fill it.
Another reason is more sinister, or mercenary. According to The Jerusalem Post,
by resigning he is no longer employed and therefore no longer restricted.
"unemployment would allow Sharansky to accept honoraria for speeches abroad
promoting his book, The Case For Democracy, which has been endorsed by US
President George W. Bush."
One thing for sure, all the headlines proclaiming that Sharansky resigned
because he opposes Disengagement are misleading. And they are meant to make us
think that he is anti-Disengagement and anti withdrawal. His aim is to weaken
the support for the real leaders, Eldad, Rivlin, Landau and all the others who
have been consistently opposing withdrawal and destruction.
It's all a trick. Sharansky may have survived Soviet imprisonment, and you can
respect him for that. But he is not an anti-Disengagement leader. We don't need
Sharansky pretending to be one of us, and we don't need the media cooperating
with him.
Davka, my neighbors who emigrated from the former USSR are most spooked by the
familiar intrigues emanating from Israeli government officials; it's deja vu
for them. Many of them, like Sharansky, are experts in the game of chess. They
know that one must watch from all directions and predict how each move can
influence the future.
One should never be too naive or trusting when playing with a pro like
Batya Medad, Shiloh
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