
As he wiped the perspiration from his forehead
his mind ran over the last time he visited his parents in Fort Lauderdale. It
was just a few short years ago and they were both healthy. They were excited to
see him and couldn’t wait to introduce him to their friends and all the
wonderful restaurants offering early bird specials. Things were different now,
they were in their mid-seventies and their health was failing. The year was 1996
and Jason just turned forty-three; after much soul searching he concluded that
it would be best if he committed to caring for both parents. I remember speaking
with him and he asked me to purchase a plane ticket for him. “I’m a little short
on cash; would you buy it for me?” I mailed him the ticket.
Ten years had passed, his dad died from a heart attack, and his mom had a
stroke, and dementia, and now they were both gone. He returned to New York to
make a new life for himself; it was July of 2006.
He hadn’t been feeling well so he consulted a Dr. who arranged for him to go for
a colonoscopy…he was diagnosed with stage four Colon Cancer and given two years
to live.
His colon and half his liver were removed, and he received chemo, and radiation
therapy. He was in denial, confused and couldn’t understand why this was
happening. “Why me, why me?”, he’d ask. I never had an answer; all I could say
was that I’m sorry and would do anything within my means to help him. I remember
Arlene, my bashert, and I wept as we both prayed for comfort and mercy
for healing him.
We live in Florida, and it was difficult for us to travel to New York, so we
spoke to him often ( thank you Alexander Graham Bell!) At first we’d call two
times a week but as time passed he and I spoke daily. Initially we spoke about
the chemo, radiation and their side effects; and how he was feeling and
adjusting. As time progressed he became more and more expressive and
communicative about personal things. We had never been close, and Jason was good
at talking about concrete subjects. He was given a new awareness of the world
around him. “I love the sound of the birds singing and feeling the air on my
skin. Mel, the sky was a beautiful blue today; it’s amazing how I never stopped
to take the time to notice before this happened. I had a kosher corned beef
sandwich today with a juicy sour pickle; Hmmm a mekhaya.” He began to
share his thoughts, feelings and fears with me. Jason had a dislike for people
that failed and wronged him in the past, and he was very angry and unforgiving;
often wishing they were dead. He’d share the same story over and over again
until finally I said, “Jason, hate and anger only hurts you, the people you hate
don’t think twice about you, let it go, they don’t even know you’re thinking
about them. It’s eating you up alive, it’s better to forgive them and close the
door so that new doors can open up to you.” He hesitated and said, “Mel, you’re
right”. He never spoke that way again.
When I’d mention G-d he’d say “I’m not a spiritual person; that’s your
department.” As time went on he’d allow us to pray for him and miraculously we
saw G-d answering our prayers. Doctors and nurses gave him special attention. In
the past I had sent Jason bibles, tapes, c.d.s and DVDs, but he was unable to
understand them. I am a Messianic Jew and Yeshua has given me a new strength. I
would often share how my life had been changed when I allowed Him to enter my
heart. I shared how much G-d really loves Jason. “Why me, why does G-d love me”,
he’d query. “What is my purpose in life? Mel, I’m really scared to die. You know
I don’t believe in the stuff you’re telling me.” “I understand Jason. G-ds Word
gives me strength, it’s all about Faith and I have joy on a daily basis. You do
not have to believe what I believe, I’m your cousin and I love you”. Jason asked
that I not talk about that again and I didn’t, but he’d bring up the subject
many times over the 4 years.
As Jason shared his day with me his purpose
became evident; he was being used to touch, serve and help people. His smile
always made others smile as he greeted the nurses and other patients while in
chemotherapy. “You dropped your magazine; I’ll pick it up for you”, “let me
share how I handle that problem”, “you’re phone doesn’t work, let me tell you
how to fix it, you’re having a problem getting benefits, this is where you go”.
He was never without a smile or a positive statement. “There are so many people
worse off than me." Jason had a compassionate heart. He was also a storehouse of
knowledge; when he spoke people listened.
Jason sought treatment for four years, beating
the two years the Doctor. gave him. One time after a chemo treatment he said,
“Mel, G-d is using me, I see His purpose for me, I can help people”, and Jason
did. His condition worsened and although he had pain, fears, frustration and
anxiety he always found a way to tell me how G-d used him that day. “My only
wish is that I’ll be well enough to volunteer at a hospital to help people, even
for an hour a week”.
Jason was blessed in many ways. His doctor loved
him and would often make a late appointment for him so that they could sit and
chat. Doctors that were not part of his insurance plan volunteered to do surgery
on him without compensation. He told me that his oncologist visited him at a
hospital with which he had no affiliation. As his condition worsened we spoke
more often, two to three hours daily. He’d listen as I prayed for him and he
cheered when G-d answered the prayer. Jason was concerned that he might not be
getting the proper treatment, so I asked a friend, an Oncologist, to speak with
him. “Mel, he spoke with me for over an hour, he even prayed for me; he’s such a
busy man, why did he have time for me…someone he doesn’t even know?” “Jason,
that’s G-d working in his heart. G-d loves him and loves you. That’s the way it
“Will you pay for my burial, Mel”? I replied by saying, “I’ll pay for a
cremation. Arlene and I will be cremated.” “J, I can use the difference in money
to bless other people,” I replied. In time he agreed to cremation and I agreed
to keep his ashes in our home, to be placed with ours when it’s our turn to die.
During the last two months of J’s life he required more surgery and was in a lot
of pain, spending six weeks in the hospital. He needed people to visit him. All
family members excluding one, lived outside the state, so visits were few and
far between, so we prayed for people to visit him. “Mel, you’re a meshugana.
How do you ask G-d to send me people to visit me that don’t know me? Sometimes I
think you ask the impossible.” “Jan, all I can do is pray. We’ve seen other
prayers answered; G-d answers prayer”, was my reply. Jason was scheduled for
surgery on Monday and told me he’d call me the next day. I found it strange when
he called the night of the surgery. We assumed he’d be heavily sedated. Arlene
and I were playing cards when he called, I turned up the speaker phone and put
it on the table. Jason shared a spiritual experience which occurred during
surgery and wanted to share it while it was still fresh in his mind. “It was
during the surgery when I was visited by a man who stood by a door and pointed.
I know I was not awake and I think it was G-d, yes, I know that for sure”. I had
found that statement strange since he called while under sedation and less than
five hours after surgery. He told me that he stood by a door and pointed. That
is all that was said. The next day Jason called to confess the true nature of
the care he gave my mom. He and his Mom had visited my Mother every Sunday in
Florida for years. “I did it because I needed a break and that’s why I would
leave my Mom with yours and shop for your Mom and pick up her prescriptions. I
received calls from other family members that wanted to know what was happening.
Jason was calling people and apologizing for any wrong doings toward them. He
began repenting for his wrong doings.
He required one last surgery; in the hospital he
shared his room with, Michael, an elderly orthodox Jewish man. It was
twenty-four hours after surgery and Michael was crying that the room was too
cold. Jason, in great pain, and with many medical attachments, walked to the
window and closed it. The next morning was Saturday, Shabbat, and the
man’s family came to visit. J decided not to turn on his TV respecting their
beliefs. As they were leaving they asked J why he had not turned on the TV. He
replied, “It’s Shabbos and I didn’t want to be disrespectful”. Michael
was diagnosed with dementia and Jason instructed the wife on how to feed her
husband so that he would eat without choking. He shared ways of caring which he
learned by caring for his parents. Interestingly, Jason could hardly move from
the bed. He had a colostomy bag as well as a catheter and urine bag and could
only receive relief from pain by lying in one position. The Orthodox Jewish
family made Jason a member of their extended family. They’d bring him food and
clothing; they had a large family and soon J had many visitors. I would say “J,
this is G-d’s way, it’s bashert.” Jason told me that he decided that it
was o.k. for him to be cremated. J could not afford a cremation and asked if I
would pay for the cremation and keep his ashes to be placed with ours when we
died. Initially he had indicated that he’d prefer a gravesite, but followed by
saying “What would be the point, who would come to visit me?” I only have two
cousins in New York and they are not religious and wouldn’t visit a grave.
It was another hot and humid July day in Florida.
I had been outside and just entered the house the phone was ringing; it was
Rebecca calling to tell me that Jason had passed at 6 a.m. He had haemorrhaged
during the night and requested no more surgery be done. At 10 a.m. I received a
call from a gentleman from his new extended family, the relatives of Michael.
“We’d like to see that Jason is buried according to Jewish Law” he said. They
offered to pay for the entire funeral.
Jason was buried and twenty people of his
extended family attended the graveside service. People had wonderful things to
say about him, he finally had the recognition he did not have while he was
alive. We were told that not only would they pay for the burial but also the
stone and will visit the grave site. I believe in G-d, prayer and miracles. Do
Shalom, stay warm and eat kosher
Mel (the fat guy) |