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How to Make Your Own "Crazy Nuts"

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These days, Americans are showing great interest in how to make their meals more healthy. We are all wondering what to serve or bring which will be nutritious, and more appetizing than the norm, without taking a great deal of work or breaking our budgets. I hope this recipe will help. Many of us have seen a “Crazy Nuts” candy in the store. I am going to teach you to make your own for a fraction of the cost. Nutrition authorities are agreed on the benefits of "good fats" of which nuts are a prominent source. Many chefs serve these treats atop green salads with a bit of cheese for a healthful dairy meal. This recipe has only 4 ingredients, and is simple enough that your children can make them as a contribution. These make wonderful gifts at any time of year. Just put them in a pretty glass dish, cover with colored plastic wrap, and attach a bow.


1 pound raw Pecan Halves
1 Egg White
1/3 cup Sugar the equivalent amount of Sucralose-based sweetener
1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon


In a large mixing bowl, beat the Egg White until stiff, but not dry, Mix in the Sugar and Cinnamon. Pour in the Pecans, and mix thoroughly. Spray a nonstick oblong baking pan (jelly roll size) with Vegetable Oil spray, and spread the Nut mixture in the pan.

Place in a 300 degree oven for 1 hour. Turn off the oven, but don't open the door, and leave the Nuts inside for 1 more hour. Remove from the oven, and break the Nuts apart with your fingers. If there are sticky spots, heat the oven to 300, put the nuts back in, turn the oven off, and leave them for 1 more hour.


You may use any sort of Nuts or Spice you like. For example, Almonds taste very pleasant with Allspice. If you would enjoy making a savory snack, omit the Sugar, add 1 teaspoon Salt and one teaspoon of a spice, such as Chile Powder, or Curry Powder.


Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
hosted by the Gantseh Megillah

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