
Rivka goes to the new shopping center in Brooklyn. It's unique because it's only for Jewish women looking for Jewish husbands. Potential husbands are the only goods on display. That is why Rivka is there.

When she enters the building, there is a large sign, which explains:

"THE BROOKLYN JWSC. This JWSC center is laid out over 5 floors. The men here have increasingly better attributes the higher up you go. The rules for entry are simple --- you are only allowed in once. Once you open the door to a floor, you must choose a man from that floor. If you go up a floor, you can't go back down except to leave the center completely. Once you leave, you cannot return at any time forever - BEST OF LUCK!!!!"

Rivka goes to the first floor. The sign on the door says "Floor 1: All the men here have jobs, love children and are certainly not lazy."

Rivka thought, "Well, that's better than not having a job or not loving children, but I wonder what's further up?"

So up she goes to the next floor. The sign says "Floor 2: "All the men on this floor have executive jobs, love children, are certainly not lazy and are extremely good looking". "

That's better," thought Rivka, "but I wonder what's further upstairs?" Up she goes. The sign says "Floor 3: All the men on this floor have executive jobs, love children, are certainly not lazy, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and are not strictly orthodox."

"Wow," thought Rivka, "almost perfect and very tempting. But I've come this far and there's more further up!!!!" And so, again, up she goes. The sign says "Floor 4: All the men on this floor have executive jobs, love children, are certainly not lazy, are extremely good looking, help with the housework, are not strictly Orthodox, are very romantic and know how to satisfy their partner".

"Wonderful" she said aloud, "but just think what could be waiting for me upstairs!!!!" So, up to the fifth and top floor she goes. The sign there says "Floor 5: "This floor is just to prove that Jewish women are impossible to please!!!! Thank you for shopping. Have a nice day...."


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