
Two brothers, identical twins, joined a shul and decided to take out only one subscription and that each would go on alternate weeks and nobody would notice the difference. The shul was small with a large congregation so that on the Yomtovim, entry was by ticket only and supplies were limited. On Yom Kippur one of the brothers rushed up to the shul and went to go in to have his way barred by a large shomas.
"Where are you going"
" I am just going in to see my brother-----"
"You got a ticket?"
"No, I haven't got a ticket--------"
"No ticket, no going in"
"Listen, I just want to see my brother and get his signature"
"You got a ticket?"
" No I haven't a ticket. I just need to see my brother and get his signature"
"No ticket - no going in"
"It's very important. This is a big deal which will make us a lot of money and we will be able to give a big donation to the shul"
"Where's your brother?"
"Just over there"
"Alright, you can go in but I am watching you and if catch you davening--------"

Okay, I'll try another      
What was that last one?
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