
Yiddisheh Kup

An observant Jew who lived on Park Avenue, built a Sukkah on his balcony. Some of his 'high society' non-Jewish neighbors brought him to court.

They claimed that the Sukkah on his balcony was an eyesore, and was having a negative impact on the value of their homes in this posh neighborhood.

In court, the man was very worried about the outcome. It was the eve of the eight-day holiday, leaving him no time to make alternative arrangements in case the judge ordered him to take down the Sukkah.

He prayed for help, and Hashem listened.

Judge Ginsburg, who was Jewish himself, had a reputation of being a very wise man. After hearing both sides, he turned around to the observant Jew, and scolded him:
"Don't you realize that you live on Park Avenue, and not in Brooklyn?

There is a certain decorum which is expected on Park Avenue ..

You have no right to be putting up an ugly hut on this lovely street without a building permit authorizing it..

I hereby rule that either you remove the hut, or I will fine you one thousand dollars.

You have exactly eight days to do so!

Next Case!!!

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