
Rabbi Gittelman had always wanted to see what tref tastes like.  So, he goes way over to the other side of town so he shouldn’t be seen by anyone from the shul.   Fine restaurant; he sits down at a table behind a potted palm and peruses the menu.  Now comes the waiter who asks, “have you decided what you’ll be having this evening, sir?”   The rabbi orders and the waiter says, “Excellent choice.  It will be about 15 minutes.  Would you care for a martini in the meantime?”  

Happily sipping his drink, who should walk in the door all verputzt, but the Bernstein’s from the shul.   Smiling broadly, they converge on Rabbi Gittelman’s table just as the waiter appears . . .  with a glistening silver platter proudly held shoulder high.   Says Rabbi Gittelman, “It’s so nice to see you!  And what a fine restaurant this is: you order baked apple and just look at the garnish they serve with it.”

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