
A makha found himself suddenly widowed. After knocking around his big empty house for a few weeks, he says to himself:

"I'm a rich successful man, I deserve a young and pretty plaything to amuse me in my declining years."

He summones the shadkhen and hands him a generous annuity saying:

"Find a bride worthy of a man of my position."

A day later the shadkhen returns, and introduces the makha to a grizzled and wrinkled old lady with a hunched back and a giant wart on her nose. Embarrassed, he quickly kisses her boney hand, then grabs the shadkhen by the collar and pulls him a few steps away.

"What are you doing to me?" He hisses in his ear, "I paid you all that money and you bring me this old crone with a khoikeh!"

The shadkhen looks at him with surprise in his eyes and responds:

"You don't have whisper, she's deaf too."

Okay, I'll try another      
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