
A very devout nun dies and goes to heaven. Upon arrival she is greeted with ceremony and honor and told she may immediately have any wish she chooses while her place is prepared for her. She humbly and politely replies that she would like an audience with Holy Mary, if this is possible. Peter agrees on the spot and escorts her personally to a little door, hitherto unnoticed in the great vault of the firmament. He knocks softly. There's a murmured reply from within and he opens the door and indicates to his guest to enter.
Within, sitting in a plain chair is a middle-aged Jewish woman in the garb of the first century, knitting. The nun sits reverently for some time at Mary's feet and finally gestures so as to ask a question. Mary looks up from her knitting and indicates it's OK to ask.
"Reverend Mother, please tell me, you were chosen from all women to be the mother of God, you a simple Jewish woman I know, but if you could, just give me an inkling of what it felt like when it happened, when Jesus was born?"
With a distant look in her eyes she replies,
"Vell, Ich hob gewolt ein Maydel." (I wanted a little girl)

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