
President Bush calls in the head of the CIA and asks "How come the Jews know everything before WE do?"
The CIA chief says "It's simple. The Jews have an expression, 'Nu, Vos tut zich?', that they just ask each other and that's how they find out everything."
Impressed, George Bush says he personally wants to go undercover to see how this system works. So he gets disguised (the hat, knickers, beard, long sideburns, etc.) as an Orthodox Jew, and is secretly flown in an unmarked plane to New York where he is secretly picked up in an unmarked car and covertly dropped off in Boro Park, one of Brooklyn's most Jewish neighborhoods. As the president stands quietly on a busy street corner, a little old Jewish man comes shuffling along.
Bush approaches him and whispers, "Nu, Vos Tut Zich?"
The old guy whispers back, "Did you hear? - That putz Bush is in Brooklyn!"

Okay, I'll try another      
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