
 A congregation honors a rabbi for twenty-five years of service by sending him to Hawaii on a well deserved vacation, all-expenses paid. The President of the Temple decides that in addition to the trip, the Rabbi should really have some fun and he makes arrangements to have a prostitute be available at the Rabbi's beck and call.

When the Rabbi walks into his room, there's this nude girl lying on the bed and she tells the Rabbi that she is here for him at any time during his vacation. Naturally, the Rabbi is stunned and was extremely embarrassed and felt it was demeaning to a person of his position.

He demanded to know who arranged this little situation and of course the girl had to tell him. He then picks up the phone, calls the temple, asks for the President of the congregation. He says to him, "Where is your respect, how could you do something like this, I am a person who must be held in high esteem by the whole congregation. As your rabbi, I am very, very angry with you." As he continues to berate the President, the girl gets up and starts to get dressed, not wanting to embarrass the Rabbi any more than necessary.

As she does this the Rabbi says, "Where are you going? I'm not mad at you.


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