
Myron, a young Jewish boy, was away from home for the first time in his life. He calls his mother from college with great news!

"Mom, this is Myron."

"How are you Myron?"

"Mom, I'm in Love."

"Oh Myron, your father, Abie and I have been in love these many years. I'm happy for you."

"Mom, I think we are going to be married."

"Oh Myron, 25 years your father and I have been married. You will be so happy. Tell me about her."

"Mom, she is a gentile."

"OH MYRON, DON'T MARRY A GENTILE! One day you will have a big fight and she will poke you with her finger and say, .... "JEW, JEW, JEW."

"Thats OK mom, I'll poke her right back and say, ...

Okay, I'll try another      
What was that last one?
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