Published 10/8/2005
by Eddy Robey M.A.
  Issue: 6.09
At Rosh Hashana
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When it is the custom to ask forgiveness from any we may have offended.

It is a time to bring sweetness into our hearts, the season of forgiveness and new beginnings.

During the last year, we have seen each other at our best and worst. Through celebrations and mourning, we stood together, as companions and witnesses.

As we view our relationships, let us ask not if we were wrong, but only if we have given offense. Perhaps our actions were reasonable and our intentions good, but we have caused pain, however inadvertently.

Now is the hour for faith and a gentle spirit. Let go of the guilt and grudges. Ask and grant the pardon we seek from G-d.

If I have harmed anyone, please forgive me. It is my prayer that we face our New Year together in peace. May the words written of us in the book of life be kind ones.

L'Shana Tova

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