A Taste of Nostalgia
September 13, 2006
Abraham J. Twersky and Judy Dick

A Taste of Nostalgia by Rabbi Abraham J. Twersky, M.D. and Judy Dick. ($24.99, Artscroll/Shaar Press). This book subtitled "Tales and recipes to nourish body and soul" contains over 150 traditional recipes but in Rabbi Twersky's words, this is not your typical cookbook. It's an amazing storybook with some great recipes. Sprinkled with Yiddishisms, you'll love Rabbi Twersky's stories and photos from the old country (Reciting Tashlich along the banks of the Luga River; Selling herring in Otvosk, Poland, 1927; Carrying cholent to the baker's oven on Friday afternoon, Bialystok, 1932).

The recipes by Judy Dick (and some of Rabbi Twersky's) include every traditional Jewish recipe you can think of plus some modern ones. This is definitely heimish cooking. Do you remember Tzibele Kichel, Fricassee, P'tcha, Meat Tzimmes with Knaidel and Stuffed Breast of Veal? Authentic old-country European recipes are presented having been adapted, using modern appliances, to make it easier for the cook.

Each chapter begins with Rabbi Twersky's stories and follows with recipes. For those old enough to remember their European and new immigrant grandparents, this is truly a taste of nostalgia. It is a book that even those who never set food into a kitchen except to eat will want to have. A definite must-have.

  From Issue:7.08
Reviewed by: Sue Epstein
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