This and That
Issue: 2.04  
April 1, 2001
You Might Be A Jewish Redneck…

1. You think a hora is a high priced call girl.
2. You light your shabbos candles from your cigarette.
3. Your belt buckle is bigger than a Yarmulke.
4. Instead of a noisemaker, you've fired a shotgun at the sound of Haman's name.
5. You have a gun rack in your Sukkah.
6. You think KKK is a symbol for Kosher.
7. You think marrying your first cousin is a Halachik requirement.
8. You don't ride on shabbat because your car is up on blocks.
9. When someone shouts L'chaim you respond L'howdy.
10. You are saving a bottle of Mogen David for some special occasion.
