This and That
Issue: 2.06  
June 1, 2001
An Open Letter to the Jewish People

I sincerely believe that it is time that we rethought some of the Laws of Kashrus.

These Laws as stated in Leviticus XI specifically mention certain animals to be either clean or unclean. Most are not mentioned by name but fall within broad general classes such as ”cloven hoofed, chewers of cud” and “having fins and scales in the waters.”

Lobster, Crab and Crawfish are not specifically mentioned but fall into or should I say out of this latter class. So our Rabbi’s say that we are forbidden to eat these delicacies. Do not despair, we are allowed to eat their cousins. Locusts, Crickets and Grasshoppers. And these delicacies are specifically mentioned in Leviticus XI, 22. However, not one of the Kosher restaurants that I have been to seem to have Locusts, Grasshoppers and Crickets on their menus.

Lobsters and Locusts and the others are cousins because they all belong to the Phylum of creatures known as Arthropods. Since Lobster, Crab and Crayfish are not specifically prohibited whether or not they are Kosher should be left open to modern interpretation. If they were living on land such as the Land Crab they would be considered to be Kosher.

Anyhow, the powers that be should make at least Lobster kosher. That way we could eat them in the comfort of our homes instead of sneaking off to restaurants.
Adam Weisberg
