Worried about looking like a lemon in shul? Finding the shul
service impossible to follow?
Many people suffer from what is known in religious circles as "Mainstream
No need to worry, however.
Our team of spiritual healers have devised a cure, and we are making it
available to you exclusively today.
Please pass it on to anyone you know who may be suffering in silence.
"Shul Rules" is your handy-dandy ten-step guide to supreme synagogue confidence:
1. If you arrive after the start don't sit down right away, but instead open the
book near the beginning and spend 2 or 3 minutes turning slowly through the
pages while mumbling under your breath.
If you recognize any of the Hebrew words, say one or two of them a little louder
so those around you can hear.
2. Find a seat just behind someone who looks like he knows what's going on. (You
can tell who this person is because he is likely to be mumbling to himself under
his breath).
Make sure this person is using the same prayer book as you.
Keep a note of what page he is on by glancing casually over his shoulder every
now and again.
A pair of strong magnifying glasses may help here.
3. When putting on the tallit, wrap it around your head for a few seconds while
mumbling under your breath.
4. Liberally sprinkle your time in shul with more barely audible mumbles as you
look intently at the pages of your siddur.
Again, the odd word, phrase or line spoken accurately and a little louder than
the rest goes down very well.
5. Don't jump up whenever the person in front does so.
He may be stretching his legs.
Instead, wait a moment until a significant proportion of the congregation are
standing In this way, even if they are all stretching their legs you won't look
6. See those guys near the front that are wandering around with an air of
These are the shammosim.
AVOID EYE CONTACT WITH THESE PEOPLE or you may find yourself being asked to do
something strange and unfamiliar like opening the doors of the Aron HaKodesh or,
heaven forbid, saying something in Hebrew out loud to everyone.
7. The easiest way to look the part is to shockel.
I have met people who have won international shockelling competitions without
having a clue about where in the service they were.
Advanced shockellers will even shockel when everyone else is sitting. (Of
course, sometimes this may be a disguised leg-stretch).
Shockelling is an entire lesson in itself, but there are two basic forms.
The "lateral swing" is usually seen in ultra-orthodox congregations.
Here the practitioner is perfectly still from the waist down (feet together,
naturally), while the top half of the body repeatedly twists at speed.
The "Hammerhead" is more prevalent in mainstream orthodox shuls, and, as the
name suggests, the congregant looks as if he is trying to bang a nail into the
floor with his head.
(I say "his" because women prefer to use this time for kibitzing or kvelling
over how wonderfully their grandson shockels.)
Shockelling mainly takes place during the silent Amidah.
This is about 10 pages during which you have no idea where everyone else is.
All you do know is that if the others were really reading all the prayers
involved they would be contenders for the world speed-reading record.
You know when it starts because everyone takes three steps back, then three
steps forward, then they bow.
This is your cue to start shockelling while turning the pages of your prayer
book approximately every 15 seconds.
The end of the silent Amidah is signalled by everyone taking three short steps
back, bowing to the left, the right and the center and then looking around to
see if they won.
8. Is the Rabbi speaking in English, and yet you don't begin to understand what
in the world he's babbling on about?
If so, this is the sermon, and it's your job to look alive.
Paying attention to the sermon is a skill that may take many years to master
rather in the way that one learns how to solve cryptic crosswords.
The formula for this particular puzzle is fairly simple:
The narrative of Torah portion you have just heard plus something from local or
national news equals "you should go to shul more regularly" or "your home isn't
kosher enough".
9. Feel free to talk to people near you at any time.
Business and sports are particularly appropriate topics of conversation.
Seeking kavanah and listening to the sermon will be regarded with deep suspicion
in most communities.
10. If you can keep your cool until the end of the service you will be rewarded.
At last something that is familiar, and a chance to clear your throat and give
it some "oomph" as you belt out Ein Kelohaynu and Adon Olam just like you did at
cheder all those years ago.
One final word of warning: If it goes well, and you feel confident enough to go
back for a second week running, you will be immediately and automatically
classified as a regular.
This means there is a very good chance you will be asked to be the next
synagogue President.
Have a joyous Chanukah
Submitted by Sonia Fuentes |