
Just before Rosh Hashanah, a man hears that in San Francisco there's a gay synagogue. He's very excited, as this sounds like what he's been yearning for. He gets there, and sure enough, there's a gay cantor and a gay rabbi, and the congregation too is mostly gay.

He joins in the service, but is terribly distracted by the handsome young man sitting next to him. Finally, he gives into temptation and puts his hand on the young man's knee.

Immediately two large men wearing leather jackets under their talis rush over, pick him up, carry him out of the sanctuary, and toss him down the stairs onto the street.

"Why did you do that?" he cried. "I thought this was a gay synagogue."

"It is," replied one of his ejectors, in a deep voice. "But nobody messes with the Rebbetzen."

Okay, I'll try another      
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