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The Better Side of Sixty
by: Elayne Kotler
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For my 63rd birthday, two dear friends, Susan and Linda, both gave me a journal – each with its own lovely textured cover. Susan left a “post it” note on the cover saying “Keep Writing”; so Susan, I’ll try not to disappoint you.

Life’s journey, whether married; divorced; widowed or single varies drastically both physically and mentally. As women, and I’m only talking about women here; our bodies age according to heredity, genetics, and believe it or not – our pocket books.

We all aim to stay young, look youthful and try to keep up with the latest nautilus equipment, make-up formulas and fashion trends. However, we can try till the cows come home; when your legs don’t move as fast as they used to – accept the fact – pace yourself and listen to your body – but never stop trying.

Why am I writing this short article you ask – and why would my article be interesting to others? Well, for one thing, writing is extremely therapeutic. When we view our words on paper, maybe our thoughts become more real – and maybe we take action when action is needed.

In my previous life; prior to age 60, my body and mind reacted to unpleasant situations easier and more rapidly – even though my life certainly was not a stressless one. Now all those little stress molecules in my body attacked my being where I must push myself to enjoy my life to the same degree I am accustomed to enjoying. The simplest tasks become chores – not nice!!

Women, aches and pains attack us all in our “Golden Years” – whether we are rich or poor, wrinkleless or without sagging boobs. It’s our mental attitude which can relieve some of these aches. Trust me ladies – I’ve been there and unfortunately am there now. Anxiety is our worst enemy – we must fight him with all our might. Notice I refer to anxiety as the “male species” – that is a whole other kettle of worms and book!

There are different avenues to overcome and conquer our anxieties or fears – each individual has their preference. Talking to a professional, understanding friends or co-workers is the best medicine.

Sometimes in our mature years we are fearful of being alone, afraid of our unbalanced body and of growing old.
I don’t have magical answers; but I can tell you that you are not alone – we all encounter these fears in one respect or another.

What I can tell you ladies is that your attitude plays a tremendous role in your life.

Happiness is a voyage, not a destination -
There is no better time to be happy than now

Live and Enjoy the Moment!!

Elayne Kotler, a member of Canadian Writer's Society, lives in Toronto. A mother, grandmother and author, besides working as a full-time administrative assistant position with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, is a very busy lady. Her book, Just How Many Roses Do I Have to Smell, will be out very shortly. It is a very entertaining book about her male relationships over the years and how she handled them.

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