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The Real Likud
December 11, 2008

Tzahi Hanegbi, a senior Kadima legislator and campaign strategist, said the "real Likud" had emerged from the party election. 
Actually, Tzachi's right. The real potential voters for Likud are from the Right, the religiously traditional, those who are fed up with "good will gestures" to our enemies, those who believe that Eretz Yisrael, The Land of Israel, must be for Am Yisrael, the People of Israel--Jews.

The post-primaries spin is interesting. While the Left is painting the Likud "extreme right," hoping to scare away potential voters, I was totally disgusted listening to Moshe Arens on IBA TV News (I wonder if there's a way of getting links to specific broadcasts) claiming that none of the Feiglin people made it into realist spots. He's distinguishing between official Moshe Feiglin supporters who joined the party after and because of Feiglin, and Likud members who opposed Disengagement and promote Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel and other policies which Feiglin supports.

I'm disappointed that a man with such vast knowledge of world history, like Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, refuses to recognize that great leaders are never from the nebulous center, they always have strong opinions, either to the right or the left.

Returning to my "bagel analogy," that Bibi is after the empty hole in the bagel. Take a good look at a bagel and its hole. It's like a trap. You're surrounded by smooth walls on all sides. You're restricted. If you're in the center you really can't take stands, because you can't please everyone, so you end up antagonizing everyone. Sorry, Bibi, that's not leadership.

It doesn't matter how many people I like and respect and agree with are on the Likud list, I can't vote for it because of you, Bibi. Ya'aqov and I are among the many Israelis searching for a true leader for our country, not somebody "nilkad," trapped by that "parve" "center" label. Parve may be great in the kosher kitchen, but it's traif in politics.

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