I obtained a copy of Gateway to Judaism (Mesorah Publications, Ltd.) because I've heard many shiurim that Rabbi Becher gave when he lived in Israel. He is also a good friend of my son-in-law, who is very impressed with the Rabbi's knowledge. Rabbi Becher is involved in kiruv (outreach) and has helped thousands of people reconnect with the beauty, wisdom and relevance of their Jewish heritage. Although in the introduction he says that he wrote this book to enable someone unfamiliar with Judaism to visualize what a traditional Jewish life looks like, from the Jewish life cycle, observing Shabbat and holidays, the Torah, the Land of Israel, looking and eating Jewish to Torah study and blessings and appreciation, I think it's a fascinating read no matter what your level of knowledge is. Everyone can gain new insights into the customs, beliefs, and commandments of Judaism. Well written and extremely interesting; it is referenced with footnotes and although the book was written for the novice to Judaism, I think there's something for everyone in it. And if you know someone who is beginning to explore their Judaism, this is definitely the book for them.