This and That
Issue: 10.05  
June 2, 2009
Montreal Yiddish Theatre Festival

I am delighted to inform our Megillah Family of the first Montreal Yiddish Theatre Festival.  Bryna Wasserman is the artistic director of the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts. Each year the Segal Centre offers a full-scale theatrical production, often a musical, totally in Yiddish. This is, of course, very reminiscent of the Yiddish Theatre that flourished on 2nd Avenue in New York City during the first half of the 20th century.  Many of these productions have been invited to perform in various parts of the world, always to rave reviews.

Bryna and her sister Ella, both members of our Megillah family, have put together this wonderful festival with the help of many talented people.  I urge everyone who can possibly make it to our beautiful city, to please come experience, and support, this amazing achievment.  This is an artistic endeavour from which all of us can shep nakhas.  Here is the vital information:

Montreal Yiddish Theatre Festival June 17 - 25 2009
Segal Centre for the Performing Arts
5170, chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine
Montréal, (Québec)   H3W 1M7

Tél. (514) 739-2301, poste 8324
Fax (514) 739-9340

I hope to see you at the Montreal Yiddish Theatre Festival in person,

