
C.K. March 3, 2008
     Michael Mukasey
I wish you would find a non-Jewish jerk to criticize and highlight as a "Shm***k". What methods are suitable to use to protect USA citizens from those who would do horrific things to us (e.g. World Trade Center murders of 9/11/01, dirty bombs, etc.) calls for very difficult decisions. This is not a subject where one opinion (yours) should be assumed to be universal to your readership. Certainly, this is a complex problem for any thinking person and differing with YOU should not cause someone to be called a jerk. Today, anti-Semitism is on the rise. There is no shortage of non-Jewish jerks to highlight - unless you are too scared? (By the way, word "Shm***ck" is one my grandmother never allowed me to utter). Thanks for reading my comments, C.K.
Editor-> Dear C.K. I appreciate you comments. I am not questioning the need to protect the U.S. from its enemies. I am simply questioning Mr. Mukasey's refusal to acknowledge that water boarding is torture, even though the U.S. itself prosecuted Japanese prisoners of war who used this methods against American soldiers for engaging in torture. We cannot continue to engage in double standards and expect to retain the respect of our allies and the rest of the world. Thank you so much for expressing your opinion. I am happy to have you as a member of our Megillah Family.
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