
Marlene Denenberg June 3, 2008
Dear Michael, I have just been catching up on Letters to the Editor at the Megillah site and I had to put my two cents worth in. As a firm believer in The First Amendment I find it appalling that any of your readers should chastise you - and threaten you with removing their support - for expressing an opinion. How dare they try to coerce you simply because they disagree with you - about a policy over which neither of you has any control. More than likely, they just never thought about it until you expressed yourself. I read my local newspaper and the columns it contains on a regular basis. Some of the columnists I agree with, some I do not. I would never threaten to cancel my subscription merely because I disagreed with A PERSONAL OPINION expressed by a writer, who does not reflect the policy of the newspaper or its staff. To censor - or censure - a writer for having expressed him- or herself is contrary to the liberty afforded us by the Constitution of the United States of America - Freedom of the Press, The First Amendment to our Constitution. I believe that particular freedom extends to the electronic media as well as the printed word. As for naming Mukasey "Schmuck of the Month" - good for you! I don't care if he is Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Hindu - he's an idiot and his position on water boarding is a slap in the face to all Americans. We CANNOT condone torture in any shape or form, because it demeans us as a people. Just because certain other groups may use physical torture, yes even including beheading, does not make it right for us to do so. We should continue to hold our nation to a higher standard in the humane treatment of our fellow human beings, whether we agree with their politics or religious fervor or not. And, as Jews especially, we are aware - or should be - of the atrocities perpetrated against six million of our own people by Hitler and his regime. To condone the use of torture for any reason is to say those six million lives were of no consequence. We do not have that right! And the loss of nearly 3000 American on 9/11, horrific as that was and will remain, does not give us that right either! As for your opinion of Jackie Mason, unfortunately I missed your column and for some reason am not able to bring it up at TGM's site. I have no need to read it, however, since I agree with whatever you had to say about him. I have never liked him and, apparently, neither have a number of readers, since they agree with your having bestowed the title on him. What's puzzling to me is that it's okay for you to say things about an obscure pseudo-comic, which, apparently, they can relate to. But if it's a public figure and a topic that might be controversial, it's an automatic "No No." Bah humbug to that! You go right ahead, my friend, and say what's on your mind. That is your right and your privilege and makes for good journalism - giving people food for thought, showing them that differences of opinion are healthy. If the few dollars they send in support of The Gantseh Megillah makes them believe they have the right to dictate policy for the publication (which is, after all, your gift to all of us, yours and Arnold's) they have much to learn about the real world. I have just made another donation to the Megillah to show my support. I have no doubt there are others out there who agree with me and will join me in supporting your continuing labors in our behalf. Marlene Denenberg, Dover, PA
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